
On this page is information about black colours. These are:



Use - Paint pigment

Formula - Sb2S3

Chemical Name - Antimony trisulfide

Structure - Orthorhombic

Synthesis - Is a naturally occuring mineral.

Interesting Facts - Shades range from steel grey to dull grey.

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Use - Paint pigment

Formula - C

Chemical Name - Carbon

Structure - n/a

Synthesis - Made by heating wood in the absence of air.

Interesting Facts - Used to make gunpowder and in industrial fuel. It has also been used in medicine.

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Bone Black

Bone black pigment

Use - Paint pigment

Formula - C

Chemical Name - Carbon

Structure - n/a

Synthesis - Made by heating animal bones in a furnace

Interesting Facts - n/a

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Use - Paint pigment

Formula - Fe3O4

Chemical Name - Iron oxide

Structure - Cubic

Synthesis - A naturally occuring mineral

Interesting Facts - Used to extract iron for steel production. Magnetite is magnetic, and is a member of the spinel group of compounds.

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Nickel Black

Use - Paint pigment

Formula - NiFe2O4

Chemical Name - Nickel ferrite

Structure - Cubic

Synthesis - Mined as trevorite mineral

Interesting Facts - Belongs to the spinel group of compounds.

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